A dear friend of mine and equal ass-kicker is the ever lovely Leah Watson. She's my newest feature writer! I give you WATSON WEDNESDAYS!

5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5. The numbers are going up and up and up. My little feet are pounding the rotating tread on the treadmill and I know I'm going to die. I don't think I'm going to die, I know. My heart is pounding out of my chest, I'm sucking air like my life depends on it, and Renee the personal trainer is smiling at me from the next treadmill. My eyes are narrowing, my brain function is slowing, and my life is flashing before my eyes. How much more of this can I take!?
This is exactly the question that I am setting out to answer.
If you have kept up with "Sugar (Cookie), Don't Waste My Time" my name and persona may sound a bit familiar. My dear friend and inspiration, Ms. Allyson West, once featured me on Thursdays Things Thin Girls Know and I was lucky enough to be invited back to the blog as a writer. My topic? How you kick your own butt. Welcome to Watson Wednesdays a mid-week check in for ladies who want to push the envelope and become their own source of inspiration. Each week I will share my experiences in pushing the envelope and changing my own life. Exercise is my most personal journey and I want to share it with you.
So, how do you kick your own butt? Let's find out.
Your Wicked Work Out Partner,
L. Watson
I have included my own personal fitness goals and a starting picture of myself to map my own goals.
Fitness Goals
1. Fit comfortably into Gap Jeans (size 2). This means no flabby stomach or love handles hanging over top.
2. Take classes in something I have never tried before.
3. Lose 6 pounds by April 12th.
4. Snowboard 6 times this season.
5. Build upper body strength. Do 40 consecutive pushups (man style).

Are you kidding? Keep those curves girl!
Haha! I love you, anonymous poster. I too believe Miss Watson has a kick-ass body.
However, it is not my decision to decide, and the struggle is the very same thing I face, often.
And thus, Watson's witty words grace our Wednesdays.
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