Also--I love the most recent Pixar film, "Up." It is a great representation of living out goals throughout a lifetime, regardless of the changes. You ARE strong enough to make today a good day. You DO have the ability to take care of yourself. Is it always easy? No. Is it always fun? No. But take care of yourself, and the rest of your life will fall into line.
The Changes
The next day, she bought a stopwatch and ran for one minute and walked for 20. Each day she ran a little longer. "Even if I only added 30 seconds, I kept telling myself, 'At least it was more than I did yesterday,'" she says. Schieren also stopped eating red meat, pork, and processed foods, including all the simple carbs--muffins, bagels, cakes--she used to chow on, replacing them with whole fruits and vegetables. "I live by the motto 'If it doesn't grow out of the ground, I don't want to eat it,'" she says. Two weeks in and already down 5 pounds, she made a promise to herself to fit into a single-digit-size dress by her next birthday, her 21st. After 4 months, she had shed 40 pounds and was running for 20 straight minutes. She stepped up workouts to include abs (crunches and ball situps) and light lifting 30 minutes a day, twice a week. In January 2007, Schieren started a training program for her first distance race, Philadelphia's Blue Cross Broad Street Run. By race day she'd dropped 60 more pounds.
The above woman is NOT Jill Schieren, although Jill Schieren certainly could be like her, if she wanted to. :)
I have to say that the biggest advice I can give anyone trying to lose weight/feel better is getting exercise every day of the week. It is important to find a routine that feels good and is doable every day. Biking, running, swimming, jumping rope, walking, playing tennis—it’s about finding what YOU like to do and changing your routine.
I feel good about my body. I, of course, have my days where I definitely avoid the mirror, but I also know to give myself a break. You must first love yourself. I live by the idea that “tomorrow is a new day”. It’s a brand new start, and an opportunity to feel wonderful and build great habits. It is simply not fair to compare your body to others. We are all uniquely ourselves and beautiful because of it!
I barely ever get on a scale—not on purpose, but because I find that I feel better when I judge my weight on how I feel and look, not on a number.
Oh Lauren, you are beautiful. Thank you for the sound advice and encouraging words. Again, EVERYONE, if you love who you met here--meet more of her at http://www.laurensprague.com/
I bought twelve small, well-portioned treats.
Was there a point where you realized, “I’m really going to do it this time”? How motivating was that?
Yes. I looked at a picture and said "Wow, that's me, and I'm not happy with that look!" My hubby and I had noticed a man that [we knew in church] had lost a lot, I mean, a lot of weight. We stopped him after church and asked if he was ill. He said no, that he had just changed his eating habits and that got me thinking that if he had done this just by watching what he was eating, we could do it! This was very motivating since the man I married was right there with me - overweight!
How did you begin? What is different now?
Changing our eating habits along with Weight Watchers and their method of keeping track of what you are eating. Now, I know what is good for me and what is not - I make a conscious choice to cheat when I do and know I will have to make up for it later or suffer the consequences.
What are you excited about?
People still comment on the weight we lost!
Is there anything—especially early on when it gets tough—is there anything that motivated you?
Just thinking about the man that motivated us at church, and the fact that when you put your mind to it and you start losing - you want to continue on that path.
What kept you going when you thought about just throwing in the towel?
Never thought about throwing in the towel - once we got going we stayed on the roll and kept losing.
How did you integrate new choices into your lifestyle?
I still think about how much I am served at a restaurant and try to eat less, have a drink (low cal) in my hands at a party so that I eat less, carry a purse and a drink so I don't have a hand to carry a plate of food at a party, just stay aware of my choices, always!
Let’s talk about food. What would you say were your biggest problem areas as far as eating? Tell us a little bit about that. And eating-wise, what changes did you make early on?
I love sweets! I love to cook and was not cooking all the healthy things necessary to stay at a healthy weight, and I definitely eat what I cook. I taught my kids to cook; we cook and bake and that is sometimes a downfall! We always have yummy food around to eat. The unhealthy cooking and eating was the issue. It took habit-changing to change the weight.
Starting Weight: Was about to 165 pounds
Lowest Weight: I was down to 119 pounds - scary! Current Weight: I am happy at 135 pounds now but keep trying for the 130 pound range. I lost the weight very slowly and have kept it off for about 7 years now! Height: I am 5 foot 8 inches.
Thanks, GlamourSplash and Lisa Mikami for the photos.