Today's "Seeing Skinny" post again comes from the most professional reality show on the air, "So You Think You Can Dance?" I was lucky enough to see the recreation of this routine on this Season's (Season Five) Top Six Show. IT IS AMAZING. Watch this girl. Watch her legs! Do you see how strong she is? She JUMPS this entire video. She stretches her body, extends her limbs, uses this beautiful, glorious body she has gotten doing what she loves.

The show, "So You Think You Can Dance?" requires an extensive diversity within each contestant. Every week, the dancers freaking DRAW NAMES OUT OF A HAT as to who their parnters will be for the upcoming week. They then draw a style, and are put through an intensive week learning that style; it could be anything from salsa, contemporary, jazz, russian folk dance, hip-hop, broadway, any combination of the aforementioned and many, many more.
Watch this week's video inpsiration HERE. HERE HERE, WATCH ME HERE!!

Let's not forget mention that these two dancers are "fighting." Regardless of the fact that the routine is choreographed (and probably especially because of it), these two people not only have to be aware of what their bodies are doing at all times, but also what their partner's body is doing. THIS is how they work it out. They are so aware of their own movements, so trusting that their bodies are going to function in these incredible ways, that they CAN flip, jump, hop, kick, amazing thing, amazing thing over and over again. They have worked for this! You can do it, too!Learn to have fun and love doing what you are doing. No excuses, do it. :)
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