So, love it. I do.

“What makes this diet easy to swallow is the book's tough-love attitude — part best-friend counsel, part drill-sergeant abuse and a dash of sailor mouth, wrapped in a pretty chick-lit package.”— iVillage, Diet & Fitness
"Don't hate them—be them. The authors of Skinny Bitch offer women a no-holds-barred approach to being thin and fabulous." — Metro
“As the authors rightly point out, thanks to slick marketing and food-industry lobbying, we’ve reached such a collective level of ignorance about health and nutrition that a diet telling us to eat lots of meat and no fruit becomes wildly successful. ‘You are a total moron if you think the Atkins Diet will make you thin’ they tell us. Harsh? Yes. But it’s also true. …there’s more solid advice in Skinny Bitch than in most diet and health books.”— Bitch, Anniversary Issue
“Skinny Bitch combines a ‘take no prisoners’ attitude with cogent analysis and scientific proof to make an engaging, wickedly irreverent, and iron-clad case for eating healthfully. If I had it in my power, I’d provide a free copy to every young woman in the developed world; we could then become, instead of the fattest next generation in history, the healthiest.”— Ingrid Newkirk, President, PETA
"Skinny Bitch dishes up scientifically sound information that will change your health and your life. Its 'in-your-face' approach is at once engaging and humorous, and belies its serious and well-researched underbelly. It’s the spark that will start your personal revolution. Pick it up. Read every last word. Healthy and skinny you will be."— Amy Joy Lanou, Ph.D., Senior Nutrition Scientist, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
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